I. ABOUT THIS MICRO-BENCHMARK ============================= This micro-benchmark implements an array of transactional locations (VBoxes), each one holding an int value. The benchmark runs a given number of transactions with configurable thread pool. Each transaction will access random positions of the array and either (a) read from or (b) write to that array position. The benchmark is highly configurable. Run it with '-help' to see a list of parameters. II. CONFIGURATION ================= Not much. :-) Simply running 'ant' should be enough to set things up. You may want to replace the 'lib/jvstm.jar' file with another one. III. RUNNING THE BENCHMARK ========================== The main file is 'Main'. The easiest way to run the application is to use the provided script 'run.sh'. 'run.sh -help' will give you the configurable parameters of the benchmark, along with an explanation and the current values. Note that this benchmark can easily consume lots of memory, especially when using a big array. You may need to change the JVM memory parameters in the run.sh script. Also, all transaction tasks are allocated before the benchmark runs, so running many many transactions (even if not concurrently) will also affect memory consuption.