Links: fonts (by at-rule) — @font-face {}

Works correctly with the following browsers: (Mozilla) Firefox, Seamonkey; Google Chrome; Opera.
Doesn't, as usual, with: Internet Explorer (everything typically becomes Times New Roman)

• A sentence in the following font (plus "áéíóú nação"): Galactican
A sentence: "Intel® Fortran Compiler Professional Edition 11.1 for Linux* OS Documentation" (here)
(plus "áéíóú nação")

• A sentence in the following font (plus "áéíóú nação"): Cassandra
A sentence: "Intel® Fortran Compiler Professional Edition 11.1 for Linux* OS Documentation" (here)
(plus "áéíóú nação")

• Alphabet in the following font: MusicalSymbols
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789

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Created: 2012-12-25 — Last modified: 2021-02-12