Calculates, for given degrees of freedom, ν:
a) the Student's t distribution ('cdf'),
P = t(x; ν),
for a given value of the variable, x; or
b) the inverse function, x(P; ν)
('tol' being the tolerance in the numerical procedure).
Draws a graph of the 'pdf' and the 'cdf'
(till ν ⁄ 2).
For this distribution (see formula in Weisstein [2008]),
the mean is μ = 0 (for ν > 1,
otherwise undefined) and the variance is
σ² = ν ⁄ (ν − 2)
(for ν > 2, otherwise undefined). |
• Weisstein, Eric, W., "Student's t
Distribution". From MathWorld—A Wolfram Web Resource
(accessed 2008-08-24).
• Craig, R. J. (.pdf), 1984,
"Normal family distribution functions: Fortran and Basic programs",
Journal of Quality Technology, pp 232–236.
• Gosset, William Sealy (1876–1937),
pseudonym "Student".
• Selected values
[Rice Univ., Houston, Tx (USA)]
• Student's t-distribution Calculator, Student's
t-distribution (percentile) Calculator (Keisan, Casio)
• 1561-08-24: Pitiscus, Bartholomeo
(† 1613-07-02, 51 yrs.). |