Programas disponibilizados (Available software) Acesso (Access)
"home" = /doc01/D41/mcasquil/open/io  on node Alfa

    The computer programs available are placed in directories under home.  All the programs have been programmed by us, sometimes resorting to auxiliary (NAG library) subprograms.
    See the various (or files for instructions.  (Programs ending in "." are more easily run via a Prog script, from .../mcasquil/bin.)

Programação linear (Linear Programming) — Directory: home/lipr

Problema do transporte (Transportation Problem) — Directory: home/tp Fenómenos («filas») de espera (Queueing theory) — On the Internet

Acesso (Access)
    The programs placed in the Internet are generally accessible.  The remaining ones can be run by users with access to node Alfa (in CIIST, the IST Computing Centre), working under Unix.
    Access to CIIST is free to students and faculty members (those who have previously asked for it).  Other interested persons should contact the author of this site.

Last update: 18-Apr-2001