
Invited articles and chapters in books 

1.    A. L. Maçanita, contribution in Chemicals in Agriculture, ed. European Environmental Research Organisation, Rome (1990).

2.    R. S. Becker and A. L. Maçanita, "Biological Photosensitizers. Phototoxic Agents of the Future ?", Rev. Port. Química, 2 (1995), 30-44.

3.  A. Horta, I. Piérola e A. L.  Maçanita, "Polyphenylsiloxanes: Photophysics, Conformation and Dynamics", em The Polymeric Materials Encyclopedia, ed. J. Salomone, C.R.C. Press Inc., Boca Raton, Florida (1996), vol.8, pp. 6391-6402.

4.    A. L. Maçanita, "Photophysics of Polysiloxanes", em Plenary Lectures of the III Congresso de Fotoquímica, ed. U.N.E.D., Madrid (1996).

5.   F. Pina, L. Benedito, M. J. Melo, A. J. Parola, J C. Lima e A. L. Maçanita, “Structural Transformations of the Synthetic Salt 4’,7-Dihydroxyflavylim Chloride in Acid and Basic Aqueous Solutions. Part 1 - Ground-State”, Anales de Quimica, International Edition, 93, 111-118 (1997).

6.        F. B. Dias, J. C. Lima, I. F. Piérola, A. Horta, A. L. Maçanita, “Dinâmica de Polisiloxanos”, in Química de Polímeros, eds. J. S. Seixas de Melo, M. J. Moreno, H. D. Burrows, M. H. Gil, Imprensa da Univ. Coimbra (2004), cap III.6.



7.        S.M. Costa, A.L. Maçanita e M.J. Prieto, "Excited States of Aromatic Esters", J. Photochem., 11, 2, 109 (1979).

8.        S.M. Costa,  A.L. Maçanita, E.C. Melo e M.J. Prieto "The Quenching of Excited Aromatic Esters by Triethylamine", J. Photochem., 11,  5, 361 (1979).

9.        S.M. Costa e A.L. Maçanita, "Near Diffusion Controlled Photokinetics in Aromatic Ester-Aliphatic Amine System", J. Photochem., 11 5, 479, (1979).

10.    S.M. Costa e A.L. Maçanita, "Transient Effects in Charge-Transfer Diffusion-Controlled Processes in Non Ionic Micelles", J. Phys. Chem., 84, 2408, (1980).

11.    S.M. Costa, A.L. Maçanita e S.J. Formosinho, "Effective Distances of Charge Transfer Reactions in the Excited State", J. Phys. Chem., 88, 89, (1984)

12.     T. Sá e Melo, A.L.Maçanita, M.J. Prieto, M. Bazin, J.C. Ronfard e R.Santus, "Photophysical Behaviour of 5-Methoxypsoralen in Dioxane-Water Mixtures", Photochem. Photobiology, 47, 429, (1988).

13.    A.L. Maçanita, F.P. Costa, S.M. Costa, E.C. Melo e H.Santos, "The 9-Anthroate Chromophore as a Fluorescent Probe for Water", J. Phys. Chem., 93, 336 (1989).

14.    J.M.G. Martinho, A.L. Maçanita e M.N. Berberan Santos, "The Effect of Radiative Transport on Fluorescence Emission", J. Chem. Phys., 90, 53 (1989).

15.    P. Figueiredo, A.L. Maçanita, F. Pina e L. Vilas-Boas, "Fluorescence Spectra and Decays of Malvidin 3,5 - Diglucoside in Aqueous Solution", J. Photochem. Photobiol., 52, 411 (1990).

16.    A.L. Maçanita , J. Magalhães, A. Dias, H. Teles e E. Iglésias, "Dipole-Dipole Interactions Between the Terminal Groups of 1,n-(Diarylcarboxy)Alkanes, n=1,2,...6), J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans., 86, 4011, (1990).

17.    C. Salom, J. A. Semlyen, S. Clarson, I. Hernandez Fuentes, A.L.Maçanita, A. Horta e I.F. Piérola, "Viscosity Dependence of the Excimer to Monomer Fluorescence Ratio. Cyclic and Linear Polymethylphensiloxanes", Macromolecules, 24, 6827, (1991).

18.    A.L. Maçanita, I.F. Piérola e A. Horta, "Decay of Polyphenylsiloxane Fluorescence Emission; Kinetic Parameters and Rotational Motion", Macromolecules, 24, 1293, (1991).

19.    E.C. Melo, S.M.B. Costa, A.L. Maçanita e H. Santos, "The Use of the n-(9-Anthroyloxy) Stearic Acids to Probe the Water Contents of SDS, DTAC and Triton X-100 Micelles", J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 141, 439 (1991).

20.    M.J. Melo, F. Pina, A.L. Maçanita, E.C. Melo, ", C. Herrmann, R.Forster, H. Koch e H. Wamhoff, "Photochemistry of 2-(2-Furyl) -Benzimidazole (Fuberidazole)", Z. Naturforsch., 476, 1431, (1992).

21.    A. Lopes, A.L. Maçanita e F.S. Pina, E.C. Melo e H. Wamhoff, "Multiequilibria of 2-2'-Furanyl-1H-benzimidazole Neutral and Protonated Forms in the Presence of Amphiphilic Aggregates", Environ. Sci. Technol., 26, 2448, (1992).

22.    A. Dias, A.P. Varela, M. da Graça Miguel, A.L. Maçanita e R.S. Becker, -Carbolines as Photosensitizers 1. Photophysics, Kinetics and Excited-State Equilibria in Organic Solvents and Theoretical Calculations", J. Phys. Chem., 96, 10290, (1992).

23.    J. Seixas de Melo e A.L. Maçanita, "Three Interconverting Excited Species: Experimental Study and Solution of the General Photokinetic Triangle by Time-Resolved Fluorescence”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 204, (1993), 556.

24.    H. Santos, D. Turner, J.C. Lima, P. Figureiredo, F.S. Pina e A.L. Maçanita, "Elucidation of the Multiple Equilibria of Malvin in Aqueous Solutions by One-and-Two- Dimensional NMR", Phytochemistry, 33,  1227, (1993).

25.    J.C. Lima, P. Danesh, P. Figueiredo, F. Pina e A.L. Maçanita, "Excited States of Anthocyanins. The Chalcone Isomers of Malvidin 3,5-Diglucoside", Photochem. Photobiology, 59, (3), 412, (1994).

26.    P. Figueiredo, J. Lima, H. Santos e M.C. Wigand, R. Brouillard, A.L. Maçanita e F. Pina, "Photochromism of the Synthetic 4',7-Dihydroxy-Flavylium Chloride", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 116, 1249, (1994).

27.    A.L. Maçanita, A. Horta e I. Piérola, "Photophysics of Siloxanes. The Influence of Preformed Dimers on Temperature Behaviour of Dimeric and Polymeric Methylphenylsiloxane", Macromolecules, 27, 958, (1994).

28.    A.L. Maçanita, P. Danesh, F. Peral, A. Horta e I. Piérola, "Photophysics of Polymethylphenylsiloxane Monomeric Compounds", J. Phys. Chem., 98, 6548  (1994).

29.    A.L. Maçanita, A. Horta e I. Piérola, "Influence of Isolated Chromophores on the Temperature  Dependence of the Excimer  Emission in Steady-State and Time-Resolved Fluorescence of Polysiloxanes”, Macromolecules, 27, 3797 (1994).

30.    A.L. Maçanita, A. Horta e I. Piérola, "Dinamics of Cyclic Chains of Polymethylphenylsiloxane", Makromol. Chem., Macromol. Symp., 84, 365 (1994).

31.    M. J. Melo, A. L. Maçanita, E. Melo, H. Wamhoff e F. Pina, "Photophysical Properties and Photodegradaton Mechanism of 2-(2'Furanyl)-1H-benzimidazole (Fuberidazole)”, J. Photochem. Photobiology A: Chem., 83, 237  (1994).

32.    J. Seixas de Melo, R.S. Becker e A.L. Maçanita "Photophysical Behaviour of Coumarins as a Function of Substitution and Solvent. Evidence for the Existence of a Lowest Lying (n*) State", J. Phys. Chem., 98, 6054, (1994).

33.    M. L. Borges, O.C. Matos, I. Pais, J. Seixas de Melo, C.P. Ricardo, A.L. Maçanita e R.S. Becker, "Evaluation of a Broad Variety of Coumarins, Chromones, their Furohomologues and Thione Analogues as Phototoxins Activated by UVA and Visible Light", Pesticide Science, 44, 155 (1995).

34.    A. Lopes, J. S. Melo, A. J. Martins, A. L. Maçanita, F.S. Pina, H. Wamhoff e E. Melo "Partition of Pesticides of the Coumarin Family between Water and Amphiphilic Aggregates", Environ. Sci. Technol., 29, 562 (1995).

35.    Ralph S. Becker, J. Seixas de Melo, A.L. Maçanita e Fausto Elisei "Comprehensive Investigation of the Solution Photophysics and Theoretical Aspects of Oligothiophenes of 1-7 Rings", J. Pure and Applied Chem.,67, 9, (1995).

36.    A. P. Varela, A. Dias, M. da Graça Miguel, Ralph S. Becker e A.L. Maçanita, "Comment on Excited-State Acid-Base Kinetics and Equilibria in Norharmane", J. Phys. Chem., 99, 2239-2240 (1995).

37.    A. P. Varela, M. da Graça Miguel, H. Burrows, A.L. Maçanita and  Ralph S. Becker. " - Carboline Photosensitizers 3: Studies On Ground and Excited State Partioning in AOT/Water/Cyclohexane Microemulsions", J. Phys. Chem. 99, 16093 (1995).

38.    R.S. Becker, J. Seixas de Melo, A.L. Maçanita e F. Elisei, “Comprehensive Evaluation of the Absorption, Photophysical, Energy Transfer, Structural and Theoretical Properties of -Oligothiophenes with 1-7 Rings”, J. Phys. Chem.100 , 18683-18695 (1996).

39.    A. Dias, A.P. Varela, M. da Graça Miguel, R. S. Becker, H. Burrows e A.L. Maçanita, “-Carbolines 2. Equilibria, Interconversion Rates and Structural Electronic Considerations in the Lowest Excited State of Harmine as a Function of pH”, J. Phys. Chem., 100, 17970-17977 (1996).

40.    J. Seixas de Melo, R.S. Becker, F. Elisei e A.L. Maçanita, “Photophysical Properties of Coumarins. The Photophysical Behavior of 3-Chloro-7-methoxy-4-methylcoumarin Related to the Energy Separation of the Two Lowest Close-Lying Singlet Excited States”, J. Chem. Phys.  107, 6062-6069 (1997).

41.    M. L. Borges, L. Latterini, F. Elisei, P. Silva, R. Borges, R. S. Becker and A. L. Maçanita, “Photophysical Properties and Photobiological Activity of the Furanochromones Visnagin and Khellin”, Photochem. and Photobiology, 67(2), 184-191 (1998).

42.    C. Renamayor, M. R. Vigil, I. Piérola, E. C. Melo, J. C. Lima e A.L. Maçanita, “Intermolecular Excimers of Indane and Acenaphthene. Kinetics and Thermodynamics from Picosecond-Time-Resolved Fluorescence”, Chem. Phys. Lett. 287, 379-387 (1998).

43.    C. Houbiers, J. C. Lima, M. Helena Santos e A. L. Maçanita, “Color Stabilization of Malvidin 3-Glucoside: Self-Aggregation and Copigmentation of the Flavylium Cation with the trans-Chalcone Form”, J. Phys. Chem., 102, 3578-3586 (1998).

44.    J. C. Lima, I. Abreu, M. Helena Santos, R. Brouillard and A. L. Maçanita, “Kinetics of Ultra-Fast Excited State Proton Transfer from 4-Methyl,7-Hydroxyflavylium Chloride to Water”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 298, 189-195 (1998).

45.    A. Horta, A. L. Maçanita, J. J. Freire and Inés Piérola, “Dynamics of siloxane chains bearing phenil chromophores”, Polym. Int., 48, 1-6, (1999).

46.    K. A. Zachariasse, A. L. Maçanita and Wolfgang Kühnle, “Chain Length Dependence of Intramolecular Excimer Formation with 1,n-Bis(1-pyrenecarboxy) alkanes for n = 1-16, 22 and 32”, J. Phys. Chem. B 103, 9356-9365 (1999).

47.    F. B. Dias, J. C. Lima, A. L. Maçanita, A. Horta and I. F. Piérola, “Dynamics of Cyclic Methyl-Phenyl-Trisiloxane in the Picosecond Range”, J. Phys. Chem. A 104 (2000), 17-24.

48.    A. Horta, I. F. Piérola and A. L. Maçanita, “Molecular Dynamics of Methyl-Phenyl-Siloxane Chains”, Macromolecules (2000) 33, 1213.

49.    J. Gonzalez-Benito, A. J. Aznar, J. C. Lima, F. Baião, A. L. Maçanita and J. Baselga “Fluorescence Labeled Pyrenesulfonamide Response for Characterizing Polymeric Interfaces in Composite Materials”, Journal of Fluorescence (2000), 10, 141-146.

50.    F. Elisei, J. C. Lima, F. Ortica, G. G. Aloisi, M. Costa, E. Leitão, I. Abreu, A. Dias, V. Bonifácio, J. Medeiros, A. L. Maçanita and R. S. Becker “Photophysical Properties of Hydroxy Substituted Flavothiones”, J. Phys. Chem. A (2000), 104, 6095-6102.

51.    F. B. Dias, J. C. Lima, A. L. Maçanita, A. Horta, I. F. Piérola, “Anomalous Fluorescence and 1H NMR of Linear Poly(methylphenylsiloxane) in Dilute Solution, at Temperatures below - 50 ºC”, Macromolecules (2000) 33, 4772-4779.

52.    J. Gonzalez-Benito J, A. J. Aznar, A. L. Macanita and J. Baselga “Thermal transitions of polysiloxane coatings onto glass fibers”, Bol. Soc. Esp. Ceram. (2000) 39 (3), 396-400.

53.    F. B. Dias, J. C. Lima, I. F. Piérola, A. Horta and A. L. Maçanita, “Internal Dynamics of Poly(methylphenylsiloxane) Chains as revealed by Picosecond Time Resolved Fluorescence”, J. Phys. Chem. A (2001), 105 (45), 10286-10295.

54.     M. Borges, A. Romão, O. Matos, C. Mazzano, S. Caffieri, R. S. Becker and A. L. Maçanita, “Photobiological Properties of Hydroxy Substituted Flavothiones”, Photochem. Photobiology (2002), 75, 97-106.

55.    F. B. Dias, J. C. Lima, A. Horta, I. F. Piérola, A. L. Maçanita, “Dynamics of  Linear Poly(methylphenylsiloxane) by Time-Resolved Fluorescence: Slow vs Fast Relaxations and Low-Temperature Behavior in Chains of Different Lengths”, Macromolecules, (2002), 35, 7082-7088.

56.    A. L. Maçanita, P. Moreira, J. C. Lima, F. Quina, C. Yihwa and C. Vautier-Giongo, “Proton Transfer in Anthocyanins and Related Flavylium Salts. Determination of Ground-State Rate Constants with Nanosecond-Laser Flash Photolysis (Light-Pulse Jump)”, J. Phys Chem. A (2002), 106, 1248-1255.

57.    J. C. Lima, C. Vautier-Giongo, A. Lopes, E. C. Melo, F. H. Quina, A. L. Maçanita “Color Stabilization of Anthocyanins: Effect of SDS Micelles on the Acid-Base and Hydration Kinetics of Malvidin 3-glucoside (Oenin)” J. Phys. Chem. A (2002), 106, 5851-5859.

58.    C. Vautier-Giongo, C. Yihwa, P. F. Moreira Jr., J. C. Lima, A. A. Freitas, F. H. Quina, A. L. Maçanita, “Manipulation of the Reactivity of a Synthetic Anthocyanin Analog in Aqueous Micellar Media”, Langmuir, (2002) 18, 10109-10115.

59.    Maçanita, A. L.; Elisei, F.; Aloisi, G. G.; Ortica, F.; Bonifácio, V.; Dias, A.; Leitão, E.; Maycock, C. D.; Becker, R. S.; “Photochemistry of Flavothione and Hydroxyflavothiones: Mechanisms and Kinetics”, Photochem. & Photobiology, 77, 22-29, 2003.

60.    Giestas, L.; Yihwa, C.;Lima, J. C.; Vautier-Giongo, C.; Lopes, A.; Quina, F. H.; Maçanita, A. L.; “The Dynamics of Ultra-fast Excited State Proton Transfer in Anionic Micelles”, J. Phys. Chem. A , 107, 3263-3267, 2003.

61.    Dias, F. B.; Maçanita, A. L.; Melo, J. S.; Burrows, H. D.; Güntner, R.; Scherf, U.; Monkman, A. P.; “Picosecond Conformational Relaxation of Singlet Excited Polyfluorene in Solution”, J. Chem Phys., 118, 7119-7126, 2003.

62.    Moreira, P. F.; Giestas, L.; Yihwa, C.; Vautier-Giongo, C.; Quina, F. H.; Maçanita, A. L.; Lima, J. C.; “Ground- and excited-state proton transfer in anthocyanins: From weak acids to superphotoacids” J. Phys. Chem. A, 107, 4203-4210, 2003.

63.    Aloisi, G. G.; Latterini, L.; Maçanita, A. L.; Becker, R. S.; Elisei, F.; “Singlet and triplet state properties of substituted flavothiones”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 5 (16), 3464-3469, 2003.

64.    Faria, T. Q.; Knapp, S.; Ladenstein, R.; Maçanita, A. L.; Santos, H.; “Protein stabilisation by compatible solutes: Effect of mannosylglycerate on unfolding thermodynamics and activity of ribonuclease A” ChemBiochem., 4 (8), 734-741, 2003.

65.    Noronha, M.; Lima, J. C.; Lamosa, P.; Santos, H.; Maycock, C.; Ventura, R.; Maçanita, A. L.; “Intramolecular Fluorescence Quenching of Tyrosine by the Peptide a-Carbonyl Group Revisited”, J. Phys. Chem. A, 108, 2155-2166, 2004.

66.    Noronha, M.; Lima, J. C.; Bastos, M.; Santos, H.; Maçanita, A.L.; “Unfolding of Ubiquitin studied by Picosecond Time-Resolved Fluorescence of the Tyrosine Residue”, Biophys. J., 87, 2609-2620, 2004.

67.    Fernandes, A. C.; Romão, C. C.; Rosa, C. P.; Vieira, V. P.; Lopes, A.; Silva, P. F.; Maçanita, A. L.; “One-Step Synthesis of Novel Flavylium Salts Containing an Alkyl Side Chain in Positions 3, 4’, 5 and 6 and their Photophysical Properties in Micellar Media”, Eur. J. Org. Chem., 23, 4877-4883, 2004.

68.    Faria, T. Q.; Lima, J. C.; Bastos, M.; Maçanita, A. L.; Santos, H.; “Protein Stabilization by Osmolytes from Hyperthermophiles. Effect of Mannosylglycerate on the Thermal Unfolding of Recombinant Nucleases from Staphylococous Aureus studied by Picosecond Time-Resolved Fluorescence and Calorimetry”, J. Biological Chem., 279, 48680-48691, 2004.

69.    Silva, P.F.; Lima, J. C.; Quina, F. H.; Maçanita, A. L.; “Excited-State Electron-Transfer in Anthocyanins and Related Flavylium Salts” J. Phys. Chem. A, 107, 3263-3269, 2004.

70.    Silva, P.F.; Lima, J. C.; Freitas, A. A.; Shimizu, K.; Quina, F. H.; Maçanita, A. L.; "Charge Transfer as a General Phenomenon in the Copigmentation of Anthocyanins", J. Phys. Chem. A, 109, 7329-7338, 2005.

71. Orte, A.; Talavera, E. M.; Macanita, A. L.; Orte, J. C.; Alvarez-Pez, J. M.; “Three-State 2',7'-Difluorofluorescein Excited-State Proton Transfer Reactions in Moderately Acidic and Very Acidic Media”, J. Phys. Chem. A, 109, 8705-8718, 2005.

72. Noronha, M.; Lima, J. C.; Santos, H.; Maçanita, A. L.; “The discrimination of tyrosine residues in ribonuclease A by picosecond time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy”, FEBS J., 272, 382-382, 2005.

73.    Rodrigues, R.; Vautier-Giongo, C.; Silva, P. F.; Fernandes, A. C.; Cruz, R.; Maçanita, A. L.; Quina, F. H.; “Geminate Proton Recombination at the Surface of SDS and CTAC Micelles probed with a Micelle-Anchored Anthocyanin”, Langmuir, 22, 933-940, 2006.

74.    Paulo, L.; Freitas, A. A.; Silva, P. F.; Shimizu, K.; Quina F. H.; Maçanita, A. L.; “Novel Ground and Excited State Prototropic Reactivity of a Hydroxycarboxyflavylium Salt”, J. Phys. Chem. A, 110, 2089-2096, 2006.

75.  Pina, J.; Burrows, H. D.; Becker, R. S.; Dias, F. B.; Maçanita, A. L.; Seixas de Melo, J.; “Photophysical Studies of a,w-Dicyano-oligothiophenes NC(C4H2S)nCN (n = 1-6)”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 110, 6499 -6505, 2006.

76.  Freitas, A. A.; Paulo, L.; Maçanita, A. L.; Quina, F. H.; “Acid-Base Equilibria and Dynamics in SDS Micelles: Geminate Recombination and Effect of Charge Stabilization”, Langmuir, 22, 7986-7993, 2006.

77.  Dias, F. B.; Morgado, J.; Maçanita, A. L.; Costa, Burrows, H. D.; Monkman, A. P.; “Kinetics  and  Thermodynamics  of  Poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene) b-phase Formation  in  Dilute  Solution” Macromolecules, 39, 5854-5864, 2006.

78.  Seixas de Melo, J.; Pina, J.; Burrows, H. D.; Di Paolo, R. E.; Maçanita, A. L.; “Electronic Spectral and Photophysical Properties of Some p-Phenylenevinylene Oligomers in Solution and Thin Films”, Chem. Phys., 330, 449-456, 2006.

79.  Quina, F. H.; Freitas, A. A.; Maçanita, A. L.; Silva, P. F.; Lima, J. C.; “The (Photo)Chemistry of Anthocyanins”, The Spectrum 19, 12-17, 2006.

80.    Noronha, M.; Lima, J. C.; Paci, E.; Santos, H.; Maçanita, A. L.; “Tracking Local Conformational Changes of Ribonuclease A using             Picosecond Time-Resolved Fluorescence of the Six Tyrosine Residues”, Biophys. J. , 92, 4401-4414, 2007.



81.    Seixas de Melo, J.; Costa, T.; Francisco, A.; Maçanita, A.L.; Gago, S.; Gonçalves, I. S.; “Dynamics of Short as Compared to Long Poly(acrylic acid) Chains Hydrophobically Modified with Pyrene followed by Fluorescence Techniques”, Chem. Phys. Phys. Chem.9, 1370 – 1385, 2007.

DOI: 10.1039/b613382g



82.    Di Paolo, R. E.; Seixas de Melo, J.; Pina, J.; Burrows, H. D.; Morgado, J.; Maçanita, A. L.; “Conformational Relaxation of p-Phenylenevinylene (PV) Trimers in Solution, studied by Picosecond Time-Resolved Fluorescence”, Chem.Phys.Chem., 8, 2657-2664, 2007.

DOI: 10.1002/cphc.200700548



83.    Monteserín, M; Burrows, H. D.; Valente, A. J. M.; Lobo, V. M. M.; Mallavia, R.;   Tapia, M. J.; García-Zubiri, I. X.; Di Paolo, R. E.; Maçanita, A. L.; “Modulating the Emission Intensity of Poly-(9,9-bis(6'-N,N,N-trimethylammonium)hexyl)-fluorenephenylene)bromide through interaction with Sodium Alkylsulfonate surfactants”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 111 (48), 13560 -13569, 2007.

DOI: 10.1021/jp0741760