Ramirez Busch

Campus IST-Taguspark / Avenida Professor Cavaco Silva
2780 990 Porto Salvo, Portugal
Email: ramirez.busch at ist.utl.pt
Telephone: +351 32344342, Office: 2N-43.2

My name is Ramirez Busch and I am currently pursuing a PhD on the effects of quantum mechanics on mitochondrion eukaryote photosynthesis and cellulose growth. (please refer to my publications list). My main motto is: new gardeners learn by trowel and error.

Besides doing my scientific research I enjoy sunbathing and going for long walks on the forest.

PhD Buddies

Luís Tarrataca

Ângelo Cardoso

João Sacramento,

André Coelho Santos


[P1] Ramirez, B.: Bionical Organisms for Gyromagnetic Unified Singularities (B.O.G.U.S.) Techreport, 2011

[P2] Ramirez, B.: Learning on Lipophotosynthesis (L.O.L.) Techreport, 2011

[P3] Ramirez, B. and Tarrataca, L.: Computational W-Space On Thyrolosys (C.W.O.T.) Techreport, 2011