Sign languages are highly structured languages with linguistic rules distinct from their spoken counterparts without a standard written form. However, the vast majority of information available online is provided in spoken or written language, which excludes sign languages. Many communication barriers exist for sign language users, and signing avatars (computer animations of humans) have the potential to break down these barriers for Deaf people who prefer sign language or have lower literacy in written language.

AVATAR proposes creating a signing 3D avatar able to synthesize Portuguese Sign Language from European Portuguese text. We will leverage a an annotated (phonetic-phonological, morphological and syntactic) corpus consisting of video-recorded interactions between deaf signers. This project is supported by Fundaçãoo para a Ciêcia e Tecnologia (FCT), project CORPUS LINGISTICO E AVATAR (PTDC/LLT-LIN/29887/2017).

Project Details


Date: Apr 9, 2020

Authors: Hugo Nicolau, Luisa Coheur, Carolina Neves, Matilde Gonçalves, Pedro Cabral

Keywords: Portuguese Sign Language, animation, accessibility

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Hugo is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department (DEI) of Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon in Portugal. He's also Vice-President and researcher at the Interactive Technologies Institute / LARSyS.

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