David Calhas

Junior Researcher at INESC-ID

David Calhas - Profile Image

About Me

I'm an aspiring researcher with interest in machine learning techniques and neuroscience. Recently, I obtained my PhD from Instituto Superior Tecnico, University of Lisbon. I plan to continue to delve deeper into neuroscience in future projects.

Research Interests:

Recent Research Media

EEG to fMRI Synthesis

Learning to classify in the unit circle

Published Software

[PyPI] eeg-to-fmri: an open source library with EEG to fMRI Synthesis models


[PDF] EEG to fMRI Synthesis: Is Deep Learning a candidate?, David Calhas and Rui Henriques, International Conference on Information Systems Development, 2023

[PDF] EEG to fMRI Synthesis Benefits from Attentional Graphs of Electrode Relationships, David Calhas and Rui Henriques, Machine Learning for Health Care, 2023

[PDF] EEG-to-fMRI: Neuroimaging Cross Modal Synthesis in Python, David Calhas, Scipy Conference, 2023

[PDF] Automatic Generation of Neural Architecture Search Spaces, David Calhas, Vasco Manquinho and Inês Lynce, Combining Learning and Reasoning: Programming Languages, Formalisms, and Representations, 2022

[PDF] Fitting Regularized Population Dynamics with Neural Differential Equations, David Calhas and Rui Henriques, The Symbiosis of Deep Learning and Differential Equations, 2021

[PDF] fMRI Multiple Missing Values Imputation Regularized by a Recurrent Denoiser, David Calhas and Rui Henriques, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine by Springer, 2022

[PDF] On the use of pairwise distance learning for brain signal classification with limited observations, David Calhas, Enrique Romero and Rui Henriques, Artificial intelligence in medicine by Elsevier, 2020


Blog Posts

Check out my latest blog posts:

Research Review

I have been a reviewer for: Neuroimage Reports, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Access, Neuroimage, Imaging Neuroscience, Statistical Papers, IEEE Journal of Bioengineering for Health Informatics, Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics.


Artificial Intelligence, since 2019

Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems, 2019 and 2020

Machine Learning, since 2021


Foundation for Science and Technology: PhD scholarship with reference SFRH/BD/5762/2020 from 30/09/2020 to 20/10/2023


Email: david DOT calhas AT tecnico DOT ulisboa DOT pt


Find my curriculum vitae here.

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