António Carneiro Pacheco.
Software Engineer, programmer and game developer.

About me
Hi! My name is António Carneiro Pacheco, and I have recently finished my MSc degree in Information Systems and Computer Engineering, specializing in Software Engineering and Game Development. From a very early age, I started creating short animation videos and learning how to work with every piece of software I could get my hands on. That knack for learning led to me enrolling in what is regarded as Portugal's best engineering university, Instituto Superior Técnico. There, I learned how to be self-motivated and cope with unbelievable deadlines. I also gained a lot of experience with a multitude of programming languages such as C++, Java, Python and the web-development languages.
In my freetime, and keeping up with the tradition, I learned how to work with programs such as Cinema 4D, 3DS Max, Adobe After Effects, Android Studio and Unity 3D. I spent a semester abroad, in Japan, working on my MSc dissertation which was named "Alignment of Player and Non-Player Character Assertiveness Levels", and took a Media Equation finding on the law of similarity-attraction and tried to find out if it works in the video game context. It involved developing my own game in Unity 3D with a companion NPC. It was graded 19 out of 20.
In the projects section you can see some of the projects I have worked on, both in the context of my MSc degree as well as extra-curricular. I have a passion for games/game design and have been solo-developing a game in my free time which can be found in my Github page. Other things I enjoy include, playing football with my friends on weekends, reading, travelling and photography.
My Skills
Programming (Java, C#, Python, C++, Git, etc.)
Game Development Tools (Unity 3D, Unreal Engine 4)
Media Editing (Photoshop, After Effects, etc.)
My Projects
About the Project (Click on the pictures to see more about the projects)
Cave Escape (GitHub page) is a 2D platformer I solo-developed to be the tesbed game for my MSc dissertation - "Alignment of Player and Non-Player Character Assertiveness Levels", which got graded 19 out of 20. The game features a companion NPC and some classic puzzle platformer mechanics. The engine used was Unity 3D, and I reused a lot of the mechanics I had previosuly developed for a game I have been solo-developing for a few years.
Contact Me
Lisbon, Portugal
Phone: +351 913441456